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Rajaa Chafil: 4C Maroc provides its partners new tools

On the occasion of COP25, Ms. Rajaa Chafil, director of the 4C Maroc, presented the tools recently produced by 4C Maroc for capacity building in the area of ​​climate change:

  • Climate finance guide: This guide aims to provide initial guidance on the funds available to finance climate-related programs and projects.

  • Training catalog in the field of climate change: it brings together the programs and modules as recommended in the priority action plan for capacity building PARC-CC.

  • Acting on climate change, a practical guide for use by local authorities.

This last guide will be presented, in detail during the side-event organized by 4C Maroc, under the theme of "Integrating climate change into territorial planning: approaches to increase ambition and speed up the implementation of the Paris Agreement".

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