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Word from the Director of 4C Maroc, Ms Rajae Chafil

Since the official creation of 4C Maroc upstream from COP 22 (Marrakech 2016), many activities have been undertaken, whether to perfect the institutionalization of the center or in the context of the accomplishment of important missions which have been entrusted to 4C Maroc.


To engage Moroccan society as a whole in the fight against climate change, 4C Maroc was designed as a multi-actor platform bringing together public and private actors, but also NGO, associations and academia. Colleges have been structured and provided with work plans for members of 4C Maroc from civil society, the private sector and the world of research-expertise-training.


Through this website, 4C Maroc contributes to the capitalization of national and international climate information, makes available data on mitigation and adaptation and supports the operationalization of policies and strategies by mobilizing national expertise.

During COP 22, 4C Maroc participated in the launch of INCCCETT 4CB, International Network of Climate Change Centers of Excellence and Think Tanks for Capacity Building, for which 4C Maroc subsequently provides the General Secretariat. In this context, 4C Maroc organized international events such as the “International workshop on capacity building for the implementation of the Paris Agreement” (Rabat, March 2017) and the side-event on “The role of the metric of adaptation and vulnerability in the fight against the harmful effects of climate change ”(Bonn, 2019).

Also on the occasion of COP 22, 4C Maroc also participated in the Development & Climate Days of the International Red Cross, which allowed to share Moroccan know-how in the fight against forest fires as well as adaptation and energy efficiency in the forestry sector.


4C Maroc has been particularly active in building capacity in climate finance. As part of an agreement between the Institute of Finance and 4C Maroc, the Moroccan financial and public sectors were targeted by training in 2017. Then, in 2018, an agreement between CGEM and 4C Maroc has enabled 5 regional workshops “Business and Climate Change” workshops to be held which have benefited fifty Moroccan companies. Other workshops on access to international climate finance for the implementation of climate-compatible projects have taken place at national and international level.


According to the royal will expressed during the Africa Action summit held in parallel with the COP22 in Marrakech, the 4C Maroc also supports the African climate commissions. In October 2018, a capacity building and exchange of experience workshop on integrating climate change adaptation into regional plans in Africa was organized for the benefit of the Sahel Commission countries and an equivalent workshop. is planned for the Congo Basin Commission. In May 2019, an online seminar on the establishment of national greenhouse gas inventory systems made it possible to present the Moroccan SNI-GES to several African countries. For 2020 cli-fit training (climate finance) is being prepared for the two aforementioned commissions.

In order to contribute substantially to the Kingdom's efforts in the fight against climate change and to support it for the respect of its international commitments vis-à-vis the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 4C Maroc is available to support - through advice and training - the implementation of the NDC of Morocco.

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Avenue Al Araa, Secteur 16 Villa A4, Hay Riad à Rabat

+212 537 571 448


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