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Word from the President of 4C Maroc, Mr. Aziz Rabbah

Morocco, a country that emits little greenhouse gas but is vulnerable to the effects of climate change, took on its responsibilities very early on, gradually drawing the contours of its own vision, while complying with the measures undertaken at international level.


Since its participation in the Rio Conference in 1992, Morocco has continued to work to contribute to the effort to the international effort in the area of sustainable development and fight against the effects of climate change. The three National Communications already delivered, the establishment of a national information system on greenhouse gases and the preparation and continuous improvement of a Nationally Determined Contribution among the best in the world demonstrate the importance that the Kingdom attaches to fulfilling its obligations vis-à-vis the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

At the national level, the Moroccan Government has put in place the foundations aimed at establishing sustainable development through the adoption of the National Charter for the Environment and Sustainable Development, thereafter became a framework law and whose elaboration was launched according to the directives given by His Majesty the King Mohamed VI during his Speech from the Throne celebration of July 30, 2009. The process culminated with the launch of a number of green policies contributing to the fight against the harmful effects of climate change in the fields of agriculture, energy and energy efficiency, water and waste management as well as National strategies for Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development have been adopted,the launch of the National Human Development Initiative ...


In 2014, the Climate Change Policy in Morocco (PCCM) recommended the creation of a Climate Change Competence Center "4C Maroc" in order to raise awareness, empower and train Moroccan actors from the public, private, NGO actors, research or territories on the aspects of climate change, but also to set up a platform coordinating their actions in order to unite the national effort in the fight against the harmful effects of climate change. The center was also to be active in exchanging experiences and international dialogue on climate change.

4C Maroc was officially institutionalized just before COP22 organized under the Moroccan Presidency in Marrakech in 2016. On the occasion of the “African Action Summit” organized in parallel to COP 22, the creation of three African climate commissions covering the Sahel, the Congo Basin and the Small Island States was decided. On this occasion, His Majesty King Mohamed IV announced the availability, from 4C Maroc, of an international network of climate expertise to serve these African commissions.

Since then, 4C Maroc has been working on carrying out its important missions in order to support Morocco and its continental partners in the efforts undertaken to adapt to climate change, limit greenhouse gas emissions as well as develop bankable projects likely to attract international climate finance.

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